
User Guide


Create todo, deadline and event tasks

There are 3 types of tasks that you can create: Todo, Deadline and Event tasks. Todo tasks are the simplest, with only a specified name. Deadline and Event tasks are specified with a date. You can create todo, deadline and event tasks to be tracked by Duke.

Do todo, deadline and event tasks

You can mark a todo, deadline and event task as done.

Delete todo, deadline and event tasks

You can delete todo, deadline and event tasks.


todo - Creates a todo task.

When a todo task is created, it is automatically saved to disk.

Example of usage:

todo homework1

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
    [T][✘] homework1
Now you have 1 task in the list. 

deadline - Creates a deadline task.

Like todo tasks, when a deadline task is created, it is automatically saved to disk. Deadline tasks are specified with a date to complete it by.

Example of usage:

deadline homework1 /by 2020-09-23

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
    [D][✘] homework1 (by: Sep 23 2020)
Now you have 1 task in the list. 

event - Creates a event task.

Like todo tasks, when a event task is created, it is automatically saved to disk. Event tasks are specified with a date to complete it at.

Example of usage:

event shopping /at 2020-09-24

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
    [E][✘] homework1 (at: Sep 24 2020)
Now you have 1 task in the list. 

done - Completes a task.

When you are done with a task, you can mark the task in your list as done, by specifying the index of the task.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
    [T][✓] homework1 

delete - Deletes a task.

You can delete a task from your list of tasks, by specifying the index of the task.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted. I have removed this task:
    [T][✓] homework1 

find - Searches for a tasks.

Search for a task according to text specified matching the task name.

Example of usage:

find work

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
    [T][✓] homework1 

tag - Tag a task with a specified text.

You may opt to tag a task with a specified text to keep track of common topics or additional details.

Example of usage:

tag 1 urgent

Expected outcome:

I've tagged this task with #urgent:
    [T][✓] homework1 #urgent

untag - Untag a task with a specified text.

You may opt to untag a task with a specified text once it is no longer relevant.

Example of usage:

untag 1 urgent

Expected outcome:

I've removed the tag from this task: #urgent:
    [T][✓] homework1

bye - Exit the app.

Closes the app.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye! Hope to see you again soon!